Since Bar 94 was refurbished by volunteers with extended opening hours, the Supporters Trust has been looking at additional ways on enhancing the matchday experience and making it easier for fans to attend games.
The Trust worked with Stagecoach and ICTFC which saw the introduction of additional bus services on matchdays on 28 December 2024.
Stagecoach kindly offered to donate all revenue from the journeys on 28 December to the Trust, and the cheque for £319.53 was handed over to Trust Treasurer, Kath Fraser, on 23 January by William Mainus, Commercial Director for Stagecoach North Scotland.

For 3 pm kick offs, buses leave the Bus Station at 1 pm and 2.15 pm.
Buses return from the Stadium 10 minutes after the full time whistle and again at 6 pm.
Stagecoach operates these journeys as normal bus services, open to all passengers, and at no cost to either the club or the Supporters Trust.
Passengers holding Under 22 or Senior Citizen and Disabled Concessionary Cards will travel free on the service. For other passengers the fare is £2.40 for a single journey.
When games are at times other than 3 pm on a Saturday, the Supporters Trust and club will let fans know what the times of the journeys will be.
The Supporters Trust is grateful to Stagecoach for coming on board as a partner to provide this enhanced service, and we hope as many fans as possible will take advantage of it.
Notes to editors
Further information on the ICT Supporters Trust can be found by visiting where you can find out more about what the ICT Supporters Trust stands for and join for only £5 pa Join Us | ICT Supporters Trust
About the ICT Supporters Trust
The ICT Supporters Trust’s purpose is to be the vehicle through which a healthy, balanced, and constructive relationship between the Club and its supporters and the communities it serves is encouraged and developed. The business of the Society is to be conducted for the benefit of the community served by the Club and not for the profit of its members. Further information can be found here: The Trust's Role | ICT Supporters Trust
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