Photo: Highland News and Media
The Trust's Role
Inverness Caledonian Thistle Supporters Trust (ICTST) is the operating name of the Inverness Caledonian Thistle Supporters Society Limited, a company registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, with registered number 2665RS. Join the Supporters Trust here.
Community Benefit
The Society’s purpose is to be the vehicle through which a healthy, balanced and constructive relationship between the Club and its supporters and the communities it serves is encouraged and developed. The business of the Society is to be conducted for the benefit of the community served by the Club and not for the profit of its members.
The Society’s objects are to benefit the community by:
being the democratic and representative voice of the supporters of the Club and strengthening the bonds between the Club and the communities which it serves;
achieving the greatest possible supporter and community influence in the running and ownership of the Club;
promoting responsible and constructive community engagement by present and future members of the communities served by the Club and encouraging the Club to do the same;
operating democratically, fairly, sustainably, transparently and with financial responsibility and encouraging the Club to do the same;
being a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open and accessible to all supporters of the Club regardless of their age, income, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality or religious or moral belief.
It is the job of the Society’s Board to ensure the Trust delivers on the above objects to the best of its ability.
In addition to those general roles, the Supporters Trust is the custodian of a 10% voting right in the club. It is important therefore that the Trust can be seen to be representative of the club’s supporters in the event that the Trust’s Officers are ever called upon to use that voting right.
The Trust’s Goals
To help fulfil these roles, the Trust Board have agreed a number of goals as follows:
Short Term Goals – To be completed by AGM December 2023’
Increase membership year on year by 50% by AGM.
Establish regular liaison meetings with the Club & Supporter Liaison Officer or other senior officer to develop a clear and effective communication route between representatives of the Club and supporters.
Hold open meetings to introduce the Trust to non-members, to better understand fans’ expectations of the Trust and to raise the profile of the Trust.
Co-opt people onto the Board to better represent the wider demographic of our support.
Develop a programme of regular social/fundraising events.
Participate in a significant fundraising initiative in conjunction with the Club.
Establish a regular visible presence at the ground on matchdays to provide help and advice, and to offer a channel for supporters to provide feedback on the matchday experience.
Carry out surveys amongst Trust members to provide the Club with representative feedback of the supporters and views on issues of interest.
Working with Section 94 - work on issues relevant to a group that represents the future of the club support
Medium Term Goals – To be completed by AGM December 2024
Increase membership of the Trust Board to its maximum of 10 Directors.
Consolidate the work of the Trust by increasing the number and/or size of events
Consolidate the work of the Trust by increasing the amount of money raised year on year.
Long Term Goals – No specific target date
To have membership numbers in excess of the number of season ticket holders in order to be seen as truly representative of the fan base.
To have a democratically elected fans representative on the Club Board.
The plan is to review these goals annually and submit them in a resolution for approval by members at the AGM. This is important. The Board’s role is to represent the interests of the fans and therefore our goals need to reflect the priorities of those we represent. We will be actively seeking the views of members on our goals, so, if you want to have a say in what the Trust does to represent supporters of ICT, then please click here and join the Trust today.
Remember, Joining the Supporters Trust means you are part of an organisation which seeks to improve the relationship between the Club and Supporters. The more supporters who join the Trust, the greater the influence of supporters will become.